
Showing posts from October, 2019

Ayodhya Verdict: The History Behind Historic Judgement

Today was the historic day for India as 200+ years old Ayodhya dispute has finally been settled by Supreme Court of India. The judgment summarized in one line - Ramjanmabhoomi goes to Hindus for which trust will be set up. Muslims to get land in compensation. The most critical part of the entire process was judgement was unanimous without any ambiguity, whatsoever. Most of Indians expressed joy as they said - truth established; justice done. Check out the disputed Ayodhya site and the chronology of the dispute. Disputed area (PC: Times of India) 1528 : A mosque is built on the site by Moghul commander Mir Baqi 1853 : First recorded incidents of communal violence at the disputed site. 1859 : British officials erect a fence to separate the places of worship-the inner court for Muslims and the outer court for the Hindus. 1949 : An idol of Lord Ram surfaces inside mosque. Muslims protest, claim Hindus kept it there. Government proclaims premises a disp