
Showing posts from August, 2018

Your Story: Meet RJ Jaya P

In Your Story -- An exclusive interview with newsmakers by Hong Kong Desi -- today, we are introducing Radio Jockey Jaya Peesapaty (RJ Jaya) and her work. HKD: Please tell us about yourself, RJ Jaya. Jaya:  I am Jaya Peesapaty, wife of a Marine Engineer, living in Hong Kong since 2002. It has been unfortunately a rough start for me in Hong Kong. That made me put myself to be as a helpline to those who move to Hong Kong. I started helping them through a platform now known as The Hong Kong Telugu Samakhya . Once I am approached, I basically guide them into settling here and beyond. With my two children and a constantly travelling husband, I wanted to keep myself busy. Engaging myself as a helpline, voluntarily teaching Telugu language and organizing events for this small community from then Andhra Pradesh was very satisfying. I am also associated with other Indian non-profit organizations in Hong Kong and serve them from time to time. Still, there was something that I wante

Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Consulate General of India to Hong Kong 2018

Consulate General of India to Hong kong along with Indian community members in Hong Kong commemorated the 72nd Independence Day. Consul General Puneet Agrawal unfurled the Indian tricolor and delivered President’s message to the Indian Community in Hong Kong. A short cultural program was also held in which the members of the Indian community participated. A Message from Consul General Mr Puneet Agrawal to Hong Kong on Independence Day. This year, we will be celebrating the 72nd INDEPENDENCE DAY OF INDIA ON 15TH AUGUST 2018. On this occasion. I convey my heartiest greetings to all Indians in Hong Kong and Macau. I also convey my best wishes to the people of Hong Kong and Macau SAR’S on this occasion. On this occasion, we pay tribute to Indian heroes in their struggle towards India’s Independence as we remember and revere the strength of Indian democratic system which brings the spirit of unity in the diverse culture that exists in India.   India and Hong Kong share a lot of co

Emerging Rural Women Entrepreneurs: The New Face of Growing India

Going to celebrate its 72nd Independence Day, India has many reasons to become proud of herself. It has an umpteen number of success stories that keep its spirit vital and alive. Of those many stories, one thread has a colorful account of unstoppable, ambitious and focused women who are constantly shaping the face of new India. The definition of successful Indian women, today, is not confined to the metropolitan cities but has its meaning spread through the small townships and remote rural areas as well. Chetna Sinha, Ela Bhatt, Thinlas Chorol, Annie George, Lalfakzuali, Rama, Yasmin and Jayshree, Shanti Devi and Indu Devi are a few names who have been successful in creating an up-and-coming business model or have helped several others in creating the one. Some of them belong to rural areas from birth and some left their cities to devote their time, energy and skills to the development of the rural populace. Their journeys were not smooth, but they tried hard and did brave out th

Cook like a Chef by Meenu Chugani - AUBERGINE CAVIAR

INSTRUCTIONS 1 Large aubergine 1 tbsp Olive oil 1 Garlic 2 tsp Lemon juice Olives 3 to 4 pcs sundried tomato 1 pc shallots Salt to taste Black pepper 1 dash of paprika 1⁄2 tsp cumin powder 1⁄2 tsp harissa Chili flakes A few pieces of julienned cucumber Pita bread cut into triangles and fried Rocket salad INSTRUCTIONS - Smoke aubergine direct on fire or bake in oven till soft. Place in a bowl and cover with cling wrap for 15 mins. The steam will help remove the skin easily - Remove charred skin and scoop out flesh into a bowl and using a fork mash it till smooth - Add 2 tsp lemon juice or to taste, salt and pepper to taste and a dash of paprika and 1⁄2 tsp cumin powder, and chili flakes - Add finely chopped shallots 1 small pc and finely chopped garlic, and 1⁄2 tsp harissa or more depending on heat - Add 1 tbsp olive oil, and slice 3 to 4 pieces of olives - Add 3 to 4 pieces of diced sun-dried tomatoes - Cut pita bread into triangles and fry till golden brow

Banana Kofta Curry

- 2 boiled raw banana + 2 medium boil potatoes as mentioned above - ginger - 2 cloves garlic - green or red fresh chilies as per your taste - 2 red dry chilies - 1 tomato - 1 tea spoon garam masala - red chili powder (optional) - 7-8 almonds - half bowl chopped onion - 3-4 spoon flour - chopped coriander leaves - mustard oil for cooking Preparations: For banana kofta or pattice
- Mash boiled banana + boiled potato in equal quantity 
- Add chopped onion + green chili + coriander leaves + salt and + 3-4 spoon all purpose flour + add left over water after boiling banana and make small pattice. - Shallow fry these pattice in regular oil
- Soak 7-8 almonds and remove the skin. - Make a paste of soaked almonds. - Make a paste of 1 tomato + small ginger + green or red fresh chili - Heat oil and add black paper + bay leaf + 2-3 chopped garlic in the oil and fry - Add tomatoes paste + turmeric powder + red chili (if you want really spicy or skip it) + Garam masala + salt and

Golden concepts of Financial Planning

“A penny saved is penny earned” let’s see how to use this proverb in our day to day life. Saving is very important part of life and existence. Over last couple of years, we have come across many individuals and families who ask for magic formula of wealth creation , who seek maximum returns because they didn’t start early and have less time to give time to their idle money to create huge corpus. No one really needs the answer, everyone already knows, it is right in front of our eyes but we tend to procrastinate. The secret key to wealth creation is “GIVING TIME”. Giving time is all you need to do to create magic till your age of retirement or for huge expenses on the way of your life like wedding, Children education, their marriage and higher studies and ultimately your retirement. In this particular piece of article we would like to take you through some very basic yet golden concepts of financial planning and as we shall come out with more articles we will throw light on varied topi

Stringent laws to strengthen minors

Owing to the strong commitment towards India, the Indian parliament, in a historic move, passed the Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2018 on July 30, 2018, that provides the death sentence for raping a girl under 12 years and enhances the minimum punishment for rape of a woman from seven to ten years. Rape and Sexual violence is a reported selectively to project it as a massive problem in India by a section of media by reporting selective case (kathua case) million times to create a narrative. The picture shows the search result in Hong Kong for rape case i.e. kathua rape at the right. This is completely misleading as the global rape statistics shows that India is 1.8 rape per 100,000 women in the globe, which is one of the lowest. According to a data compiled by Mahesh Hegde, editor of PostCard, stated that 96% rapes cases were targeted towards majority community i.e. Hindus. In addition, the mainstream media has selectively reported the rape cases when minority was involved and

India Jumps 22 Ranks in Four Years in UN’s Nation's E-Government Index

India has incredibly succeeded in jumping to the 96th rank on United Nation's E-Government Index from the previous 107th rank two years back and form 118th rank in 2014. The Index shows how digitisation, technological enhancements and innovations have their impact on the public sector and how much they are transforming people’s everyday life. The Division of a Public Administration and Development Management (DPAPM) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) conducts a bi-annual e-government survey which includes a section titled e-Government Development Index (EGDI). It is a comparative ranking of 193 countries of the world according to three primary indicators: i) The OSI - Online Service Index that measures the online presence of the government in terms of service delivery; ii) The TII - Telecommunication Infrastructure Index iii) HCI- Human Capital Index. (Courtesy: